Packing list for via ferrata tours

packing list
In order to give beginners to via ferrata a first packing orientation guide, we have created a packing list especially for via ferrata, which is based on the touring equipment of a usual mountaineer and also contains special equipment for via ferrata tours.
Via ferrata equipment
Via ferrata set - according to UIAA standard, with brake system and two via ferrata carabiners
climbing harness - as a general guideline, a normal harness is used, such as the one used for sport climbing. Here you should pay particular attention to adequate padding and wide (comfortable) contact surfaces. Material loops are less important, two are enough
climbing helmet - according to UIAA standard
climbing gloves - mostly with leather cover (protect against injuries on the steel cable)
Sewn slings + HMS carabiner - for self-securing (optional for long, demanding tours, so that you don't have to hang on the via ferrata set during breaks)