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  • Perfect climbing day at Loser Panorama Via Ferrata Sisi
Loser Panorama Via Ferrata Sisi
Sara Bianchi

Perfect climbing day at Loser Panorama Via Ferrata Sisi

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Loser Panorama Via Ferrata Sisi



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Blog related via ferrata tour(s)

The Loser is one of the most beautiful and impressive mountains in Styria. Since time immemorial, it has also attracted alpinists. In spring 2007, the Panorama via ferrata, also called the Sisi via ferrata in honor of Empress Elisabeth, was opened. And the impressive panorama is also what makes this via ferrata, with about 1.5 hours climbing time and difficulty levels up to D, something very special.

The starting point for the Loser Panorama via ferrata is at the parking lot of the Augst-Alm at turn 11 of the toll Loser Panorama road. From here, turn left at the obvious avalanche protection walls, first through mountain pine fields, then over scree fields for about 30 minutes quite steeply uphill to the Loserloch. Passing this, you come to the entrance of the via ferrata.

The via ferrata begins quite steeply in the D area. A rugged traverse follows before you reach the main wall. This is characterized by the "Loser ladder" of a long row of clamps. After another, this time very exposed traverse, it goes up again to a great rest area. From here you have a wonderful view of the Ausseerland and also of the Dachstein. Then it goes around the corner, where you come to an emergency exit, before it goes after another traverse again steep and difficult uphill.
Because of the fame of the Loser, the great via ferrata line and the fantastic panorama, this via ferrata is unfortunately quite crowded. When queues of people make their way up the mountain, you have to be even more careful!

At the summit itself, the alpine meadows invite you to linger and rest. In good weather, a view can be enjoyed from here that can make you go into raptures.

The descent takes about 45 minutes and leads along a well-marked trail, on which you can always meet tourists with very interesting footwear (for mountains). A short detour leads here to Heli's Loserhütte where you can still strengthen with Schmankerl properly.

CONCLUSION: The Loser panoramic via ferrata offers with a total time expenditure of a little more than 3 hours some exciting via ferrata passages, exposed places and breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.


Loser Panorama Via Ferrata Sisi
Loser Panorama Via Ferrata Sisi


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